"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." -John 15:4

Nov 18, 2014

The New Drug

Have kids? Be aware of the new drug that is impacting to lives of millions upon millions of of youth and adults today.
Don't have kids? This drug has terrible effected and diminished the lives of so many people and lead to thousands upon thousands of rapes and murders.

This terrible drug industry generates $13 billion dollars in the U.S. alone. Much more, overseas.

9 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls are exposed to and experience this drug before they are 18.

50% of men in the church claim to be addicted to this drug.

56% of today's divorce cases are caused by this drug.

This drug causes the same chemical effects in the brain that drugs like cocaine can do.

This drug is causing thousands of people to seek stronger and more damaging and illegal outlets when it fails to satisfy.

This drug industry is providing the majority of funding of sex trafficking in the world.

This drug alters the brain and is extremely addicting, setting off the reward receptors in the brain.

The addiction to this drug is very hard to quit and get rid of (almost impossible.) There is always a desire for more to those who are addicted.

Oh, by the way, this drug can be accessed for FREE!!

What kind of drug can make this big of an impact in the world yet we don't treat it as an epidemic!?

Wanna know what it is?


Before you begin to defend the myth that pornography is "normal" for people to engage in and be satisfied with, realize the damaging effects that this drug has on people. Yes, it is a drug! A narcotic can be defined as "a drug or other substance affecting mood and behavior and sold for non-medical purposes, especially an illegal one." The effects that pornography has on the brain or in the lives of people who indulge in it is incredible! Porn addicts end up secluding themselves from their families, spouses and friends. Why? They also live in shame and regret from their actions. But most of all,
 Because Porn Kills Love.

This is the main theme of the organization Fight the New Drug. What I am most interested in is the fact that this organization is not a Christian organization. So, to all of you who think I'm posting this to push a theological value of mine, realize this: Even the secular world is beginning to see the disastrous results of pornography and lust.

Many of the women displayed in pornographic material are sex trafficking victims or the "advertisements" of pimps. (Remember that if you are an addict.) Many of these girls are often forced to have sex at gunpoint behind the camera's. We need to realize the horrific nature of this industry and stop it!

Television shows and movies are beginning to add sex scenes to appeal to the audience of this porn-induced world because they cannot gain people's interests otherwise.

I could go on and on about the dangers of porn but I need you to remember this.
Jesus tells us that if a man were to look at a woman lustfully, he has committed adultery in his heart.
That means, if a man looks at pornography, he has gone all the way and slept with her in his heart. If that man is married or dating he has cheated on his significant other when he decided to look at porn.

Porn kills love.
Porn kills hope.
Porn kills souls.

Find help. Find accountability. Find God.
He will help you find a way out of this lifestyle. "For there is no temptation that has come upon you that is not common to mankind. But God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. And when you are tempted he will give you a way out so that you can endure it!"

It's only through God that you can conquer this. He will get you out if you call on him.

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